Strategisch- en Tactisch ICT advies
Successfully thinks along with your organization at a strategic level and provides objective IT advice for the best and cheapest IT solutions.
Around us we see the influence of technological developments and the impact of a deflected operation, that is increasing by the day. On all aspects, technology is playing an increasingly important role. Successfully aims to allow people and technology to work together as efficiently as possible thanks to user-friendly and proven technology. The common threadis formed by continuous advice and guidance about the changes that are taking place by decision makers such as Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and Google.
An IT environment is only optimal when the characteristics and requirements of your organization are taken into account. Successfully will gladly support you in finding the IT solution that suits your organization and that seamlessly matches the wishes and requirements of your organization. However, the ICT investments that are already made are also taken into account.
We advise board members, company management and/or employees of organizations about this and we guide them in the process drafting an ICT roadmap and making strategic choices through strategic sessions, adoption training And workshops. Being continuously progressive is therefore an important core value within our organization and we are proud to be recognized by Microsoft (zesvoudig Gold partner), HP en Dell, supported by our ISO 27001 certification, the international standard for information security.